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The horned dinosaurs / Рогатые динозавры

Автор(ы):Dobson P.
Издание:Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1997 г., 368 стр., ISBN: 0-691-02882-6
The horned dinosaurs / Рогатые динозавры

The ceratopista or horn-faced dinosaurs are exquisite creatures. They include large, exotic dinosaurs, the ceratopsids, with wondrous ornaments on their heads, including dazzling combinations of horns over the nose and eyes and lengthy frills behind the skull, often enhanced with rococo tracery and detailing. The ceratopsids are found only in western North America, although perhaps someday soon they will be found in Asia as well. Ceratopsians also include small, lithe protoceratopsids, shared equally between Asia and western North America. Protoceratopsids, which tend to be more tasteful and restrained in their adornments than ceratopsids, presumably include the ancestors of the ceratopsids. Recently admitted into the ceratopsian clan is the small Psittacosaurus from Asia, which is so generalized in its structure that it has neither horns nor a frill. <...>

МеткиДинозавры, Рогатые динозавры
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