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Computational geomechanics and hydraulic structures / Вычислительная геомеханика и гидротехнические сооружения

Автор(ы):Chen S.-H.
Издание:Springer, 2019 г., 907 стр., ISBN: 978-981-10-8134-7
Computational geomechanics and hydraulic structures / Вычислительная геомеханика и гидротехнические сооружения

With the increasing demand of people for improved life quality, a large number of mega projects spring up in our modern society. The successful construction and sustainable operation of these mega projects mark not only the progress in modern science and technology but also the significant development of human society and civilization.

It is well known that the safety, reliability, and sustainability of a project depend on an elaborate, skillful, and accurate design. Structural computation is, in turn, a fundamental tool for its design, which provides the theories, methodologies, and procedures for profoundly understanding the structural performances of the project. Over the past three decades, China, a populated country, has witnessed rapid economic and social development and risen to be a middle-income country. In the process, the mega projects, such as high dams, motorways, high-speed trains, ultra-long and deeply buried large-scale tunnels, and UHV grids, played crucial roles. <...>

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