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Basic steps in geostatistics: The variogram and kriging / Основные этапы геостатистики: вариограмма и кригинг

Автор(ы):Oliver M.A., Webster R.
Издание:Springer, 2015 г., 105 стр., ISBN: 978-3-319-15864-8
Basic steps in geostatistics: The variogram and kriging / Основные этапы геостатистики: вариограмма и кригинг

Geostatistics, developed originally in the mining industry from the 1950s onwards, is now being applied widely in environmental science for mapping, monitoring and management. It is based on the theory of random spatial processes. There are numerous examples in soil science, meteorology, agronomy, hydrology, ecology and some aspects of marine science. By taking into account and modelling spatial correlation, geostatistics provides unbiased predictions of environmental variables with minimum and known variance in ways that no other method does. The general technique of prediction is known as kriging. It requires a mathematical model to describe the spatial covariance, usually expressed as a variogram, which in its parameterized form has become the central tool of geostatistics. Successful kriging and estimation of the variogram depend on sampling adequately without bias and with suitable spatial configurations and supports. These differ somewhat from design-based estimation with its emphasis on random sampling. <...>

ТематикаГеостатистика, Геоинформатика
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