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Geotechnical Laboratory Measurements for Engineers / Геотехнические лабораторные измерения для инженеров

Автор(ы):Germaine A.V., Germaine J.T.
Издание:John Wiley & Sons INC, 2009 г., 358 стр., ISBN: 978-0-470-15093-1
Geotechnical Laboratory Measurements for Engineers / Геотехнические лабораторные измерения для инженеров

Experimental investigation requires an appreciation for more than the individual test method. In order to perform the tests effectively, interpret the measurements properly, and understand the results, background information is required on a variety of general topics. This chapter provides general information important to the overall operation of a laboratory, evaluation of a test method and test result, and handling of disturbed materials. Some of the individual topics are ASTM International, Interlaboratory Test Programs, Precision and Bias, Sampling, Bulk Material Processing, and Test Documentation.

The tests covered in Part I are normally performed on disturbed material and are used to characterize the nature of soils. There are a vast number of specifi c tests used to characterize particles, the pore fl uid, and also the combination of both. Part I contains a variety of the most essential test methods used in geotechnical engineering to quantify the properties of a particular soil as well as providing exposure to a range of experimental techniques. <...>

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