Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Introduction optical waveguide analysis. Solving Maxwell’s equations and the Schrodinger equation / Введение анализ оптических волноводов. Решение уравнений Максвелла и уравнения Шредингера

Автор(ы):Kawano K., Kitoh T.
Издание:John Wiley & Sons INC, 2001 г., 279 стр., ISBN: 0-471-22160-0
Язык(и)Английский (перевод с японского)
Introduction optical waveguide analysis. Solving Maxwell’s equations and the Schrodinger equation / Введение анализ оптических волноводов. Решение уравнений Максвелла и уравнения Шредингера

This book was originally published in Japanese in October 1998 with the intention of providing a straightforward presentation of the sophisticated techniques used in optical waveguide analyses. Apparently, we were successful because the Japanese version has been well accepted by students in undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. courses as well as by researchers at universities and colleges and by researchers and engineers in the private sector of the optoelectronics field. Since we did not want to change the fundamental presentation of the original, this English version is, except for the newly added optical fiber analyses and problems, essentially a direct translation of the Japanese version. <...>

МеткиГеофизика, Уравнение Маквселла, Уравнение Шредингера
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