Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

The design and implementation of geographic information systems / Разработка и внедрение географических информационных систем

Автор(ы):Anderson S.J., Harmon J.E.
Издание:John Wiley & Sons INC, 2003 г., 273 стр., ISBN: 0-471-20488-9
The design and implementation of geographic information systems / Разработка и внедрение географических информационных систем

IS is an extremely collaborative activity. Almost at the drop of a hat, GIS professionals will organize a conference, set up a Web-based list server, pull people together for discounts on training, establish a networking group, and generally do what they can to move the community forward.The standards for GIS certification in the United States, which are being worked out as we complete the manuscript for this book, explicitly include points for participating in and organizing events that benefit the entire community. Collaboration, making your data and documents open and accessible to other users, is what GIS professionals do, and we are proud to be a part of that community. But there is still real value in having a book, something between covers on the shelves of your office, that you can pull down to help you work through a problem. It is always interesting to go into the office of a GIS professional and, while making the customary chatter about backgrounds, look around on the bookshelves. What books did this person deem worthy of holding on to? Are there books besides software manuals? Which books appear to have been heavily used, pulled down and opened many times? A bookshelf says a lot about a person. So we have taken the opportunity to write a book that we hope will go up on a few shelves, but we could not have done it without the support of many in the community. Specifically, they are Gerry Daumiller, Natural Resource Information Center, State of Montana;David Dickman,SBC—Southern New England Telephone; Frank DeSendi, Bureau of Planning and Research, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation; Kevin Hanron, Charles River Technologies—Crimeinfo; Jay Heerman,Address Coordinator, Johnson County, Kansas; Neijel Huff, GIS Intern—Town of West Hartford, Connecticut; David Kingsbury, Intergraph Corporation; Barbara MacFarland, Metropolitan District, Hartford, Connecticut; Donny McElveen, Department of Transportation, South Carolina; Jeffrey Osleeb, Hunter College, CUNY; Martin Roche, Information Technology Director, South Carolina Department of Commerce; Jeffrey Roller, GIS Coordinator,Town of West Hartford, Connecticut. <...>

ТематикаГеоинформационные системы, Математические методы
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