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Ammonite faunas of the upper cretaceous rocks of Vancouver island, British Columbia / Аммониты верхнемеловых пород острова Ванкувер, Британская Колумбия

Автор(ы):Usher J.L.
Издание:Ottawa, 1958 г., 185 стр.
Ammonite faunas of the upper cretaceous rocks of Vancouver island, British Columbia / Аммониты верхнемеловых пород острова Ванкувер, Британская Колумбия

The Upper Cretaceous rocks of southeastern Vancouver Island contain important coal deposits, which have been known for more than a century and have long provided British Columbia with a major industry. Gradual depletion of the more accessible reserves has resulted in efforts both by company officials and, from time to time, by Government geologists, to acquire additional structural and stratigraphic information that might serve to prolong the life of these deposits <...>

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