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The geology of Egypt

Автор(ы):Rushdi Said
Редактор(ы):Balkema A.A.
Издание:Brookfield, Rotterdam, 1990 г., 729 стр.
The geology of Egypt

This book includes the salient results of work carried out on the different aspects of the geology of Egypt: Geomorphology and evolution of landscape; tectonics, geophysical regime, volcanicity, Precambrian geology, geologic history and paleogeography, paleontology of selected taxa, ore deposits, petroleum geology and groundwater reservoirs. An exhaustive bibliography is also included. Written by scholars from Egypt, Germany and the United States, the book is edited by Professor Rushdi Said, consultant and former head of the Geological Survey of Egypt.

ТематикаОбщая геология, Региональная геология
МеткиГеология Египта, Египет
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