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Mapping geomorphological environments / Картирование геоморфологичексих сред

Автор(ы):Evelpidou N., Pavlopoulos K., Vassilopoulos A.
Издание:Springer, 2009 г., 246 стр., УДК: 978-3-642-01949-4
Mapping geomorphological environments / Картирование геоморфологичексих сред

Surface waters play an important role in relief formation by creating a multitude of landforms which depend genetically and evolutionally on the prevailing geomorphic processes and on the area’s geology. Underground waters, in turn, form a series of underground landforms and deposits which depend on geomorphic processes different from those prevailing on the surface.Water, through infiltration in geological formations, follows a course which depends on many parameters and forms what one would call a «underground relief».

Water is important in all its states, and necessary for all known forms of life on our planet. Its quality and physicochemical properties form the environment of the ecosystems of which it is component. It is characteristically mentioned that water is the most common solvent in the terrestrial system, as it dissolves and transports a wide variety of chemical substances (salts, minerals, etc). It significantly interferes in the chemical decomposition of rocks and in soil formation; it also has high heat capacity, thus influencing the environment. <...>

ТематикаГеоморфология, Геологическое картирование
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