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The Caledonides of The British Isles - reviewed / Каледониды Британских островов. Обзор

Редактор(ы):Harris A.L., Holland C.H., Leake B.E.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 1979 г., 725 стр., ISBN: 7073 0257 9
The Caledonides of The British Isles - reviewed / Каледониды Британских островов. Обзор

The papers in this book review and partly summarise the present state of knowledge concerning the Caledonides of the British Isles--broadly the history of geological events from about 700 to 400 million years ago including events in the type area of Caledonia, Scotland. Many of the papers report new work and the volume is a contribution to the study of the Caledonide orogenic belt that was originally continuous from Scandinavia through Britain and Ireland to N America.
The papers arose from a conference organised by the Irish and British working groups of the Caledonide Orogen Project 27 (International Geological Correlation Programme). The conference was held under the aegis of The Royal Society of London, The Royal Irish Academy, The Geological Society of London, The Royal Dublin Society and The Royal Society of Edinburgh. It was generously sponsored by The Royal Society of London and by the following industrial organisations to whom the working groups wish to express their sincere appreciation.

ТематикаРегиональная геология
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