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Radiogenic isotopes in geologic processes / Радиогенные изотопы в геологических процессах

Автор(ы):Брандт И.С., Брандт С.Б., Рассказов С.В.
Издание:Springer, 2010 г., 311 стр., ISBN: 978-90-481-2998-0
Radiogenic isotopes in geologic processes / Радиогенные изотопы в геологических процессах

Do we actually understand geologic processes? New technology brings new information and perceptions, which sometimes overturn imaginations based on simple observation and estimation, in conjunction with common sense inference. In 1902– 1904, Pierre Curie and Ernest Rutherford first formulated the idea of using radioactive transformation of nuclides as a geologic chronometer. After a century of working with such tools, geology has advanced from a descriptive science to an analytic science that formulates conclusions based on exact values. The technology of radiogenic isotope geology has created a branch of science that considers the Earth as a planet generated within a Solar system and studies the subsequent evolution of geologic processes that has resulted in the present formation of our planet’s continents and oceans.<...>

ТематикаИсторическая геология, Геохимия, Региональная геология
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