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The physics of explosive volcanic eruptions / Физика взрывных вулканических извержений

Редактор(ы):Gilbert J.S., Sparks R.S.J.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 1998 г., 192 стр., ISBN: 1-86239-020-7
The physics of explosive volcanic eruptions / Физика взрывных вулканических извержений

Scientific research can take unexpected, even counter-intuitive, directions because of technical innovation, the occasional brilliant idea that overturns conventional wisdom and new observations that provide previously unexpected insights into the way in which nature works. For these reasons no one is certain what the future holds in terms of breakthroughs. This chapter highlights some of the most recent developments in research on the physics of explosive volcanism. It pin-points cardinal areas of study poised for new research and anticipates major future developments. Advances in remote sensing and computational power are two examples of technical developments which are currently having dramatic impacts on understanding the physics of explosive volcanism. Such technical innovations, together with many good ideas and observations, are changing perceptions of the mechanisms of explosive volcanism <...>

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