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Pythonic Geodynamics. Implementations for Fast Computing / "Питон" в геодинамике. Реализация для быстрых вычислений

Автор(ы):Morra G.
Издание:Springer, 2018 г., 231 стр., ISBN: 978-3-319-55682-6
Pythonic Geodynamics. Implementations for Fast Computing / "Питон" в геодинамике. Реализация для быстрых вычислений

In the first chapter a birds’s eye view on how to use Python for scientific purposes is proposed. Then a chapter is devoted to visualization of small and large scientific data and modeling results. Examples range from retrieving and plotting time series of Geodetic data obtaining and visualizing large,open geophysical datasets. In the third chapter, Numerical Python (Numpy) functions are introduced focusing on fast manipulation of ndarrays. It is illustrated in detail how to operate with indexing, slicing, and Boolean operators on arrays in order to achieve the maximum performance, with specific applications to linear algebra. Finally, it is shown how nonexisting functions can be added using Cython, Numba and others. Parallel programming tools for Python are quickly introduced

ТематикаМатематические методы
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