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The solid Earth. An introduction to global geophysics / Тверда Земля. Введение в глобальную геофизику

Издание 2
Автор(ы):Fowler C.M.R.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2005 г., 725 стр., ISBN: 0-521-58409-4
The solid Earth. An introduction to global geophysics / Тверда Земля. Введение в глобальную геофизику

Geophysics is a diverse science. At its best it has the rigour of physics and the vigour of geology. Its subject is the Earth. How does the Earth work? What is its composition? How has it changed? Thirty years ago many of the answers to these questions were uncertain. We knew the gross structure of our planet and that earthquakes occurred, volcanoes erupted and high mountains existed, but we did not understand why. Today we have a general knowledge of the workings of the planet, although there is still much to be discovered. <...>

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