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Geochemical and Tectonic Evolution of lrc-Backarc Hydrothermal Systems / Геохимическая и тектоническая эволюция дуговых-задуговых гидротермальных систем

Автор(ы):Shikazono N.
Издание:Elsevier, 2003 г., 478 стр., ISBN: 0-444-511504
Geochemical and Tectonic Evolution of lrc-Backarc Hydrothermal Systems / Геохимическая и тектоническая эволюция дуговых-задуговых гидротермальных систем

Before mentioning the characteristics of Kuroko and epithermal vein-type deposits in Japan, it is worthwhile to briefly describe the metallogeny, geology, geophysics, and tectonic situations of the Japanese Islands.Japan is situated along the boundary between Eurasia and the Pacific plate (Fig. 1.1). The metallogeny, geology, geophysics and geochemistry of Japan are largely controlled by this tectonic setting.
The great variety of mineral deposits of Japan reflects the complex geotectonic environments. An intimate relationship exists between igneous and hydrothermal activity, which in turn reflects the plate tectonic history of Japan. Many Japanese ore deposits have produced many different metals, and they contain almost all common and useful minerals, although many deposits are small in size. <...>

ТематикаГеохимия, Региональная геология
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