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Geophysical field theory and method. Part Bю Electromagnetic fields I / Геофизическая теория поля и методы. Часть B. Электромагнитные поля I

Автор(ы):Kaufman A.A.
Издание:Academic Press, 1994 г., 230 стр., ISBN: 0-12-402041-0
Geophysical field theory and method. Part Bю Electromagnetic fields I / Геофизическая теория поля и методы. Часть B. Электромагнитные поля I

In this and in Part C, I describe the behavior of electromagnetic fields applied in geophysical methods. As is well known, these fields are used in many areas of geophysics, such as
1. Delineation of conductive zones inside the earth's crust
2. Tracing the boundary between different parts of a collector saturated by highly mineralized water and oil or gas
3. Mining prospecting, mainly for detecting good conductors
4. Engineering and groundwater geophysics
5. Borehole geophysicsUnlike other geophysical methods this wide range of applications has stimulated the development of numerous systems based on the use of electromagnetic fields, including
1. Magnetic variational and magnetotelluric soundings
2. Frequency and transient soundings
3. Electromagnetic profiling
4. Frequency and transient methods of mining prospecting
5. High-frequency methods for studying the upper layers of the earth, as well as for detecting zones of low resistivity between mines and boreholes

6. Various modifications of induction and dielectric logging

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