Satellite Gravimetry and the Solid Earth. Mathematical Foundations / Спутниковая гравиметрия и твердая Земля. Математические основы

Автор(ы):Eshagh M.
Издание:Elsevier, 2021 г., 487 стр., ISBN: 978-012-816936-0
Satellite Gravimetry and the Solid Earth. Mathematical Foundations / Спутниковая гравиметрия и твердая Земля. Математические основы

I would like to express my gratitude to those without whose support and help my idea could never come true. I am grateful to Professor Robert Tenzer and Dr Martin Pitonak for inspiring me with their positive words and encouragement about the idea of this book. I appreciate all support from my closest friend and colleague, Dr Majid Abrehdary, especially all the kind and scientific discussions about satellite altimetry and the Moho and density contrast determination. My special thanks go to Mr Andenet Ashagrie Gedamu and Mr Farzam Fatolazadeh for help in writing Chapters 8 and 10. Professor Bernhard Steinberger is acknowledged for his help by reading the draft version of Chapter 8 and commenting on it. Dr S.M. Ali Noori Rahimabadi is appreciated for the scientific discussion and advice regarding mantle flow theory.I am indeed appreciative to Dr Michal Sprlak, who acted as the technical editor and reviewer of this book, for his careful reading and detailed and constructive comments on the whole book. I thank Mrs Marisa LaFleur from Elsevier, who contacted me about proposing the book idea, handling administrative processes with Mr Michael Lutz for up to half of the book.
Mrs Amy Shapiro and Mrs Liz Heijkoop are cordially acknowledged for their support and help in handling all the administrative processes of the book and for help in the design of the cover page of the book. Mr Omer Mukthar, the production project manager and the Production Division of Elsevier are sincerely thanked for their excellent cooperation in producing and revising the whole book.
A heartfelt word of thanks goes to my wife, Elsa, for providing a suitable atmosphere at home and taking care of the family during my writing from the start to the end, especially during the pandemic times.

МеткиГравиметрия, Математические методы, Спутниковая гравиметрия
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