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Origin of Igneous Rocks The Isotopic Evidence / Происхождение изверженных горных пород. Изотопия

Автор(ы):Faure G.
Издание:Springer, 2001 г., 505 стр., ISBN: 978-3-642-08728-8
Origin of Igneous Rocks The Isotopic Evidence / Происхождение изверженных горных пород. Изотопия

This book is intended for graduate students of the Earth Sciences who require a comprehensive examination of the origins of igneous rocks as recorded by the isotope compositions of the strontium, neodymium, lead, and oxygen they contain. Students who have not had a formal course in the systematics of radiogenic isotopes can acquire a basic understanding of this subject by a careful study of Chap. 1. Additional information is readily available in a textbook by Faure (1986). The primary purpose of this book is to demonstrate how the isotope composition of Sr, Nd, Pb, and 0 in igneous rocks has been used to shed light on the origin of igneous rocks and hence on the activity of the mantle and on its interactions with the continental and oceanic crust.

ТематикаГеохимия, Петрография
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