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Dinosaurs and other extinct saurians: A historical perspective / Динозавры и другие вымершие ящеры: историческая перспектива

Редактор(ы):Buffetaut E., Martill D.M., Moody R.T.J., Naish D.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 2010 г., 387 стр., ISBN: 978-1-86239-311-0
Dinosaurs and other extinct saurians: A historical perspective / Динозавры и другие вымершие ящеры: историческая перспектива

The discovery of dinosaurs and other large extinct ‘saurians’, a term under which the Victorians commonly lumped ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, pterosaurs and their kin, makes exciting reading. The story of how early ‘fossilists’ first found the remains of these ‘primeval monsters’ has been told again and again in popular and semi-popular books about the history of palaeontology. Mary Anning making a living by collecting extinct reptiles along the Dorset coast, William Buckland and Gideon Mantell finding the ‘terrible lizards’ for which Richard Owen was to coin the word ‘Dinosauria’, O. C. Marsh and E. D. Cope fighting over new fossil vertebrates in the American West – all of these well-known stories have almost achieved the status of legends, and have often been retold with little regard for historical or scientific accuracy. <...>

МеткиДинозавры, Ископаемые ящеры
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