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Coastal tectonics / Прибрежная тектоника

Редактор(ы):Stewart I.S., Vita-Finzi C.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 1998 г., 376 стр., ISBN: 1-86239-024-X
Coastal tectonics / Прибрежная тектоника

At first glance, coastal tectonics is as redundant a category as inland tectonics, for the shoreline does not necessarily coincide with a distinctive geodynamic environment. What prompted the international conference on the subject that led to this book was the Editors' conviction that coasts favour the study of active tectonics (a) by providing a reference datum- namely sea level- against which deformation can be measured and (b) by supplying datable material and environmental clues with which the progress of deformation can be traced <...>

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