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Climates past and present / Климат: прошлое и настоящее

Редактор(ы):Hart M.B.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 2000 г., 224 стр., УДК: 1-86239-075-4
Climates past and present / Климат: прошлое и настоящее

In recent years media attention has focused on global climate change and the impacts on the human experience that this may cause. This interest has stimulated earth scientists into a re-appraisal of the rates of change seen in the geological record and which, for years, had been taken for granted. Climatic modelling and other palaeoclimate assessments have reversed the geological adage that the 'present is the key to the past' into 'the past may be the key to the future'. This renewed interest was the driving force behind the European Palaeontological Association's Congress in Vienna <...>

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