Chemical and isotopic groundwater hydrology / Химическая и изотопная гидрология подземных вод

Издание 3
Автор(ы):Mazor E.
Издание:Marcel Dekker Inc, 2004 г., 469 стр., ISBN: 0-8247-4704-6
Chemical and isotopic groundwater hydrology /  Химическая и изотопная гидрология подземных вод

Groundwater is a vital resource in steadily increasing demand by man, but man threatens its quality and mishandles the available quantity. In order to properly manage the resource, we have to study it in detail, recognize its properties, and understand its dynamics—in large-scale regions as well as in every locally studied system.
Chemical and isotopic hydrology are tailored to these challenges, and the hydrochemist has a key role as a consultant to the groundwater developers and managers, decision-makers, and environmental quality authorities

ТематикаГидрогеология, Геохимия
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