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Australian landscapes / Австралийские ландшафты

Редактор(ы):Bishop P., Pillans B.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 2010 г., 326 стр., ISBN: 978-1-86239-314-1
Australian landscapes / Австралийские ландшафты

Australian Landscapes is at least the third edited volume to be devoted to Australian geomorphology in the last half-century, two others being Landform Studies from Australia and New Guinea (Jennings & Mabbutt 1967) and Landform Evolution in
Australasia (Davies & Williams 1978). There is a strong thread running between those two volumes and this one: the second volume marked the retirement of Joe Jennings, who was one of the editors of the first volume, and this volume honours one of the editors of the second, Martin Williams, along with John Chappell; both John and Martin retired recently. The legacy of Joe Jennings, who supervised the PhD research of both Martin and John, is summarized briefly in an Appendix to this Introduction. The fact that we, the editors of this current volume, were supervised in our PhD research by John (B.P.) and Martin (P.B.) continues that intertwining of threads.

ТематикаОбщая геология, Региональная геология
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