Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Advances in interpretation of geological processes. Refinement of multi-scale data and integration in numerical modeling / Достижения в интерпретации геологических процессов. Оптимизация разномасштабных данных в численном моделировании

Редактор(ы):Gosso G., Marotta A.M., Spalla M.I.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 2010 г., 235 стр., ISBN: 978-1-86239-295-3
Advances in interpretation of geological processes. Refinement of multi-scale data and integration in numerical modeling / Достижения в интерпретации геологических процессов. Оптимизация разномасштабных данных в численном моделировании

This Special Publication deals with some of the themes treated during the XVI Deformation Rheology and Tectonics Conference, held in Milano on 27–29 September 2007, and analysed in depth during the workshop, held in Oropa-Biella on 29 September–2 October 2007. A preconference excursion was held on the Monviso metaophiolites and Dora–Maira UHP continental crust (23–26 September 2007).The conference and workshop were mostly devoted to compare results from different field, laboratory or modelling strategies, and to envisage mismatches between outcomes from different analytical or methodological approaches. They help to identify non-consistent results introduced by: (i) new approaches in gathering and processing field or laboratory data (e.g. deformation mechanisms in various thermal environments, P–T estimates during metamorphic and deformation cycles, age data in metamorphic terrains and tectonic units size); (ii) different modelling approaches, combining aspects from surface to the deep interior of the Earth; and (iii) numerical techniques (finite elements or finite differences) applied at different scales. The integration of modelling and natural and experimental data enlighten whether the huge amount of empirical data available on the P–T–t evolution of crust and mantle rocks is at present adequately used to check and interactively optimize numerical models of geodynamic processes.
This volume contains 12 contributions dealing with natural and experimental data, model predictions, and integration of natural data and modelling results

ТематикаМатематические методы
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