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An introduction to geological structures and maps / Введение в геологическое картирование и геологические структуры

Издание 5
Автор(ы):Benninson G.M.
Издание:Edward Arnold, 1990 г., 77 стр., ISBN: 978-1-4615-9632-5
An introduction to geological structures and maps / Введение в геологическое картирование и геологические структуры

This book is designed primarily for university and college students taking geology as an honours course or as a subsidiary subject. Its aim is to lead the student by easy stages from the simplest ideas on geological structures right through the first year course on geological mapping, and much that it contains should be of use to students of geology at GeE 'A' level. The approach is designed to help the student working with little or no supervision: each new topic is simply explained and illustrated by text-figures, and exercises are set on succeeding problem maps. If students are unable to complete the problems they should read on to obtain more specific instructions on how the theory may be used to solve the problem in question. Problems relating to certain published geological survey maps are given at the end of most chapters. Some of the early maps in the book are of necessity somewhat 'artificial' so that new structures can be introduced one at a time thus retaining clarity and simplicity. Structure contours (see p. 5) are seldom strictly parallel in nature; it is therefore preferable to draw them freehand, though - of course - as straight and parallel as the map permits. In all cases except the three-point problems, the student should examine the maps and attempt to deduce the geological structures from the disposition of the outcrops in relation to the topography, as far as this is possible, before commencing to draw structure contours. The author wishes to thank Dr F. Moseley for making many valuable suggestions when reading the manuscript of this book, Dr R. Pickering and Dr A.E. Wright for their continuing help and interest.

ТематикаГеологическое картирование, Структурная геология
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