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Structure and tectonics of the Indian continental crust and its adjoining region. Deep seismic studies / Строение и тектоника континентальной коры Индии и прилегающих к ней областей. Результаты глубинного сейсмического зондирования

Издание 2
Автор(ы):Kumar P., Prasad B.R., Tewari H.C.
Издание:Elsevier, 2018 г., 262 стр., ISBN: 978-0-12-813685-0
Structure and tectonics of the Indian continental crust and its adjoining region. Deep seismic studies / Строение и тектоника континентальной коры Индии и прилегающих к ней областей. Результаты глубинного сейсмического зондирования

Five billion years ago the planet Earth was formed as a large conglomerate. The immense amount of heat energy released by massive high-velocity bombardment of meteorites and comets melted the entire planet. Since then, the planet has been cooling off and the process continues even today. During the cooling process, denser materials, such as iron from meteorites, sank into the core of the Earth while lighter material, e.g., silicates, oxygen compounds and water from comets, rose near to the surface.

ТематикаГеотектоника, Геофизика
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