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Introduction to metamorphic textures and microstructures / Введение в метаморфические текстуры и микроструктуры

Издание 2
Автор(ы):Barker A.J.
Издание:Stanley Thornes, 1998 г., 274 стр., ISBN: 978-1-4615-7293-0
Introduction to metamorphic textures and microstructures / Введение в метаморфические текстуры и микроструктуры

The process of metamorphism is one of change, and within the mineral assemblage and texture of a metamorphic rock is a memory of that change. The transformations are brought about by geological processes from the global plate tectonic level to the more localised scale. In view of this, recovering the memory of the change locked in metamorphic rocks helps to constrain geological processes well back into the Earth's history.
Locked within the mineralogies of metamorphic rocks is much information about changing p-T conditions. Locked within the textures of metamorphic rocks is further information on metamorphic process, and principally interaction with deformation, that ultimately records plate tectonic movements. As metamorphic rocks recrystallise in the solid state, they can, in favourable circumstances, record a memory of events operating over many millions of years. This book concentrates primarily on recovering the memory of metamorphic processes locked into the textures of these rocks. <...>

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