Key concepts in geomorphology / Ключевые понятия в геоморфологии

Автор(ы):Bierman P.R., Montgomery D.R.
Издание:W.H. Freeman and Company Publishers, 2014 г., 531 стр., ISBN: 978-1-4291-3860-1
Key concepts in geomorphology / Ключевые понятия в геоморфологии

Key Concepts in Geomorphology is a book about our planet’s dynamic surface, a place where Earth and atmosphere meet and life thrives. By its very nature, geomorphology, the study of Earth surface processes and history, is an integrative discipline. As geomorphologists, we strive to make sense of the complicated web of interactions shaping mountains and valleys, moving sediment and water downslope, and changing the shape of continents and ocean basins over millennia. A deep understanding of geomorphology requires not only expertise in solid-Earth geology but also the ability to use principles of physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics to understand Earth surface processes and the evolution of topography over short and long timescales. <...>

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