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Using geochemical data. Evaluation, presentation, interpretation / Использование геохимических данных. Оценка, презентация, интерпретация

Автор(ы):Rollinson H.R.
Издание:Longman, 1993 г., 379 стр., ISBN: 0-582-06701-4
Using geochemical data. Evaluation, presentation, interpretation / Использование геохимических данных. Оценка, презентация, интерпретация

Over the last 20 to 30 years there has developed а large body of literature оп the statistical treatment of geochemical data. Some of this literature is in the form of warnings to the geochemical community that their practices are not sufficiently statistically rigorous. Other papers are concerned with improving the statistical techniques current amongst geochemists and they provide methods which are more appropriate to the peculiar properties of some geochemical data. Unfortunately, thete is а tendency to leave the whole subject of the statistical treatment of geochemical data 'to the experts' and consequently а large part of this literature is ignored Ьу most geochemists. This тау in part Ье because the journals in which the papers are located are specific to mathematical geology. Another reason, however, is that mathematical geologists tend to write in order to communicate with other mathematicians rather than with geochemists. Whatever the reason, the net effect is that for а long time geo-statisticians have Ьееп advising geochemists in the practice of their art and yet for the most part their words have seemed irrelevant and have gone unheeded <...>

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