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Encyclopedia of earthquakes and volcanoes / Энциклопедия землетрясений и вулканов

Издание 3
Автор(ы):Gates A.E., Ritchie D.
Издание:Facts On File. Inc, 2007 г., 364 стр., ISBN: 0-8160-6302-8
Encyclopedia of earthquakes and volcanoes / Энциклопедия землетрясений и вулканов

Until the 1950s, the various branches of geology, including the study of volcanoes and earthquakes, appeared to have no real connection, and the progress of the science was toward continued divergence. What pulled everything back together was the radical concept of plate tectonics that came into fruition in the 1960s and 1970s. Plate tectonics is sometimes referred to as “the glue that holds geology together” to reflect this power. It explains virtually all volcanoes and the lion’s share of earthquakes and even relates them to each other.
The following review of plate tectonics is a good place to start for anyone needing a refresher.

ТематикаВулканология, Общая геология
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