Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Volcanic and igneous plumbing systems. Understanding magma transport, storage, and evolution in the Earth’s crust / Вулканические и магма-проводящие системы. Понимание переноса, накопления и эволюции магмы в земной коре

Редактор(ы):Burchardt S.
Издание:Elsevier, 2018 г., 346 стр., ISBN: 978-0-12-809749-6
Volcanic and igneous plumbing systems. Understanding magma transport, storage, and evolution in the Earth’s crust / Вулканические и магма-проводящие системы. Понимание переноса, накопления и эволюции магмы в земной коре

Volcanoes are, in every respect, fascinating: they form breathtaking landscapes and provide billions of people with living space, fertile ground, energy and mineral resources. Volcanoes were most certainly a cradle for the development and evolution of life on Earth, but their vigorous nature has also brought countless species close to or beyond extinction. To understand the inner workings of volcanoes in order to ultimately be able to interpret their behaviour and mitigate volcanic hazards is a motivation that unites all volcanologists. Volcanology is traditionally the study of volcanic eruptions, eruptive products (rocks) and landforms with the ultimate goal to understand volcanic phenomena and predict volcanic eruptions

ТематикаПетрология, Региональная геология
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