Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Rocks and Minerals. A guide to familiar minerals, gems, ores and rocks. Golden nature guides / Породы и минералы. Путеводитель по знакомым минералам, драгоценным камням, рудам и породам

Автор(ы):Shaffer P.R., Zim H.S.
Издание:Gloden press, New York, 1962 г., 160 стр.
Rocks and Minerals. A guide to familiar minerals, gems, ores and rocks. Golden nature guides / Породы и минералы. Путеводитель по знакомым минералам, драгоценным камням, рудам и породам

Nothing is as important in the natural world as our own earth and the rocks beneath our feet. So it was inevitable that the Golden Nature Guides include an introduction to rocks and minerals. The task of selecting, describing, and illustrating minerals,  rocks,  and  geologic  structures  has many  inherent  difficulties.  We are grateful  to  our  colleagues and to other experts who have helped. May we particularly thank members of the Geology Department of the University of Illinois: Drs. Chapman, Droste, Grim, Hagner,  Henderson,  Merrill,  Wanless,  and  White,  and Drs. Collinson, Swann, and Willman of the Illinois State Geological Survey for specimens and slides, and for information  and   encouragement.   Some  specimens  came from University of  Illinois Natural  History Museum  and departmental collections; some from Ward's Natural Science Establishment. The gem collections at the Chicago Museum of Natural History were invaluable. Fine Koda-chromes were provided by Scott Lewis. Maps came largely from information in the Minerals Yearbook of the Bureau of Mines, and from other maps and publications of the United States Geological Survey.

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