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Minerals. Their constitution and origin / Минералы. Их строение и происхождение

Автор(ы):Wenk H.-R., Булах А.Г.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2003 г., 671 стр., ISBN: 978-0-521-82238-1
Minerals. Their constitution and origin / Минералы. Их строение и происхождение

Minerals: Their Constitution and Origin is an introduction to mineralogy for undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of geology, materials science, and environmental science. It has been designed as a textbook for use on a semester course and covers all aspects of mineralogy in a thoroughly modern and integrated way.
The book is divided into five parts. Part I deals with the general concepts of structures and bonding within minerals, and introduces symmetry principles as well as graphic representations such as the stereographic projection. It discusses growth, defects, and general issues of isomorphism and polymorphism. Part II centers on the physics of minerals, including determination of structural features by X-ray diffraction, an introduction to optical properties, and the use of the petrographic microscope. Part III explores the range of naturally forming minerals and introduces hand specimen identification. It gives an overview of the various modes of mineral formation, and provides a background in thermodynamics to facilitate an understanding of mineral equilibria in geological environments and phase transformations. Part IV provides a systematictreatment of mineral groups within the ontext of mineral-forming environments. Part V demonstrates the application of mineralogy to the fields of metal deposits, gems, cement, and human health. It also explores how minerals form in the universe, and how they have been active components at each stage of the evolution of the earth <...>

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