Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Progress in metamorphic and magmatic petrology. A memorial volume in honor of D.S. Korzhinskiy / Развитие метаморфической и магматический петрологии. Выпуск памяти Коржинского Д.С.

Редактор(ы):Perchuk L.L.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 1997 г., 517 стр., ISBN: 0-521-54812-8
Progress in metamorphic and magmatic petrology. A memorial volume in honor of D.S. Korzhinskiy / Развитие метаморфической и магматический петрологии. Выпуск памяти Коржинского Д.С.

This volume is devoted to the memory of the Russian petrologist D.S. Korzhinskiy. The world community of geoscientists has highly valued his contributions to petrology, particularly the discovery and thermodynamic description of open systems with perfectly mobile components. Korzhinskiy's work reached this community's attention because his book Physicochemical Basis of the Analysis of the Paragenesis of Minerals (1959, Consultants Bureau, New York) was translated into English. However, in the Soviet Union D.S. Korzhinskiy is also highly regarded for his contributions to geology and study of ore deposits as well as to theoretical petrology. Stratigraphy and geology of the Precambrian Aldan shield in Eastern Siberia; origin of lapis lazuli and phlogopite deposits and iron formations; boron mineralization; genesis of skarns and general theory of metasomatic zoning; origin of granites, charnockites and anorthosites; theory of the acid-basic interaction of components in the dry silicate melts: all of these were subjects of his more than 200 papers and books. The papers in the present volume span Korzhinskiy's broad interests. These papers were selected with the aim of illustrating the progress made in physicochemical petrology since Korzhinskiy.

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