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Igneous and metamorphic petrology / Петрология магматических и метаморфических горных пород
Igneous and metamorphic petrology in the last decades of the twentieth century exploded into a broad, multifaceted, increasingly quantitative science. Advances in physical and field petrology and geochemistry have forever changed our thinking about the origin and evolution of magmas, their dynamic behavior, and the way in which they are intruded and explosively extruded. Developments in geochronology, quantitative evaluation of the role of heat and fluid transfer in crustal rocks, and new field discoveries have impacted our understanding of the evolution of metamorphic systems and their dynamic interaction with tectonic processes. Geophysics and mineral physics have provided new insights into the nature of the convecting mantle and its role as a giant heat engine driving magmatic and metamorphic processes. New tools of all kinds allow new ways of gathering petrologic data, while phenomenal developments in computers and computer software permit data to be stored, processed, and modeled in ways unimaginable as recently as a couple of decades ago.