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Review in mineralogy & geochemistry. Volume 67. Amphiboles: crystal chemistry, occurrence and helth issue / Обзор в минералогии и геохимии. Выпуск 67. Амфиболы: кристаллохимия, возникновение и проблема существования

Выпуск 67
Редактор(ы):Hawthorne F.C., Mottana A., Oberti R., Ventura G.D.
Издание:Geochemical society, 2007 г., 548 стр.
Review in mineralogy & geochemistry. Volume 67. Amphiboles: crystal chemistry, occurrence and helth issue / Обзор в минералогии и геохимии. Выпуск 67. Амфиболы: кристаллохимия, возникновение и проблема существования

The current volume has taken a different approach from previous volumes concerned with major groups of rock-forming minerals. Some of the contents have previously been organized by the investigative technique or groups of similar techniques: crystal-structure rei nement, spectroscopy, TEM etc. Here, we have taken an approach that focuses on aspects of amphiboles rather than experimental techniques: crystal chemistry, new compositions, long-range order, short-range order etc., and all experimental results germane to these topics are discussed in each chapter. The intent of this approach is to focus on amphiboles, and to emphasize that many techniques are necessary to fully understand each aspect of the amphiboles and their behavior in both natural and industrial processes.

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