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Petro-physics and Rock Physics of Carbonate Reservoirs / Петрофизика и физика горных пород в карбонатных коллекторах

Редактор(ы):Joshi R.M., Singh K.H.
Издание:Springer, 2020 г., 290 стр., ISBN: 978-981-13-1210-6
Petro-physics and Rock Physics of Carbonate Reservoirs / Петрофизика и физика горных пород в карбонатных коллекторах

Carbonate reservoirs hold 60% of the world’s hydrocarbon reserves. In order to obtain a reliable estimate of reserves in a given reservoir and also to prepare a development plan for optimum production of hydrocarbons from the reservoir, a quantitative assessment of the petrophysical parameters of the reservoir is essential. However, petrophysical properties of carbonates are not easy to predict because of the post-depositional processes like dissolution, re-crystallization and re-precipitation, which alter the properties of the carbonate reservoirs and make them extremely heterogeneous and, hence, bear a profound effect on the productivity and flow dynamics in the reservoir. However, we lack an adequate understanding of how to dynamically model these post-depositional processes. The evolution of porosity through dissolution channels, solution vugs, fractures, etc., is all post-depositional processes. For realistic modelling of the reservoir, we need to understand the dynamics of the fluid flow through the complex network of the carbonate matrix. This calls for proper integration of various geophysical, geological, petrophysical, core data and dynamic data such as MDT, PLT, well test analysis. <...>

ТематикаГорючие полезные ископаемые, Петрофизика
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