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Geomechanics for Energy and a Sustainable Environment / Геомеханика для энергетики и устойчивости окружающей среды

Редактор(ы):Chang I., Cho G.-C.
Издание:MDPI, 2019 г., 103 стр., ISBN: 978-3-03928-151-0
Geomechanics for Energy and a Sustainable Environment / Геомеханика для энергетики и устойчивости окружающей среды

Energy consumption is strongly linked to the development and quality of human civilization. On average, 85% of our primary energy comes from fossil fuels; as a result, carbon-based resources face depletion, and there are concerns about massive greenhouse gas emission and corresponding climate change. Energy geotechnology must play a key role in the development of a sustainable energy scheme, involving energy resources such as natural carbohydrates, nuclear energy, and renewable sources (wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower, biofuels, and tidal and wave energy), but it must not be restricted. Moreover, geotechnical engineering is required to provide new techniques to preserve the environment from a sustainability perspective, including CO2 emission and energy-related waste (e.g., bottom and fly ashes, and nuclear waste) reduction, as well as the introduction of new, environmentally-friendly, and low-carbon-emitting materials for sustainable development.

This book includes recent advances in Geomechanics for Energy and the Sustainable Environment, including four research articles and one state-of-the-art review. We hope this book can provide guidance on how to deal with conventional and renewable energy sources and environment-related geotechnical engineering issues, from fundamental research to practical implementation. In addition, recent attempts in CO2 and industrial waste deduction, and the development of new, bio-inspired materials/methods for sustainable development are introduced in this book. 

ТематикаГорное дело, Экология
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