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Recent Trends in Waste Water Treatment and Water Resource Management / Последние тенденции в очистке сточных вод и управлении водными ресурсами

Автор(ы):Di M.F., Ghosh S.K., Saha P.D.
Издание:Springer, 2020 г., 256 стр., ISBN: 978-981-15-0705-2
Recent Trends in Waste Water Treatment and Water Resource Management / Последние тенденции в очистке сточных вод и управлении водными ресурсами

There is nothing more essential to life on Earth than water. Yet, there is a global water crisis. People are struggling to access the quantity and quality of water they need for drinking, cooking, bathing, hand washing and growing their food. Rapid industrialization, population growth and unplanned urbanization have contributed to severe land and water pollution. The main sources of freshwater pollution can be attributed to direct discharge of untreated toxic industrial wastes and dumping of various industrial effluents. More than 40% of the world’s population resulted affected by water scarcity, and this problem is also featured in the UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6), “clean water and sanitation”. Currently, about 3 in 10 people lack safe drinking water and 6 in 10 lack inadequate sanitation systems. Globally, 844 million people lack access to clean water resulting in families and communities being locked in poverty for generations. Access to clean water as a stepping stone to development changes everything. Safe, secure, affordable and equitable access to clean water in particular for the poor is among the most relevant challenge to be faced in the next years. In 1993, the UN General Assembly designates March 22 as World Water Day and recognizes the importance of addressing the global water crisis each year with an amazing progress in making clean drinking water accessible to 2.6 billion people in developing countries from 1990 to 2015. There are still opportunities to multiply the benefits of clean water through improved sanitation and hygiene education <...>

ТематикаГидрогеология, Экология
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