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Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry. Sulfide Mineralogy and Geochemistry / Обзоры по минералогии и геохимии. Выпуск 61. Минералогия и геохимия сульфидов

Выпуск 61
Редактор(ы):Vaughan D.J.
Издание:2006 г., 727 стр., ISBN: 0-939950-73-1
Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry. Sulfide Mineralogy and Geochemistry / Обзоры по минералогии и геохимии. Выпуск 61. Минералогия и геохимия сульфидов

The metal sulfides have played an important role in mineralogy and geochemistry since these disciplines first emerged and, for reasons detailed in the first chapter, have achieved an even greater importance in both fundamental and applied mineral sciences in recent years. It is no surprise that Volume 1 in the series, of which this book is Volume 61, was devoted to "Sulfide Mineralogy." For some years there has been the need for an updated volume covering the subject areas of Volume 1 and addressing the new areas which have developed since its publication in 1974.

I am grateful to Paul Ribbe, former RiMG Series Editor, for persistently encouraging me to undertake this new volume on sulfides. I am also grateful to my longstanding collaborator Jim Craig for facilitating acquisition of the copyright of our 1978 book "Mineral Chemistry of Metal Sulfides" and for his encouragement in this project. Liane Benning, Jim Craig, Jeff Grossman, Richard Harrison, Michael Hochella, Jon Lloyd, Dave Polya, Wayne Nesbitt, Pat Shanks, Michele Warren and Jack Zussman have all kindly given of their time to review draft versions of the chapters in this volume. I am also grateful to Jodi Rosso, RiMG Series Editor, for her heroic efforts in bringing this book to completion, and to our contributors for all their hard work

ТематикаГеохимия, Минералогия
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