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Metallogeny of the Pacific Northwest (Russian Far East): Tectonics, Magmatism and Metallogeny of Active Continental Margins. Guidebook for the Field Excursions in the Far East of Russia / Металлогения Тихоокеанского Северо-Запада (Дальний Восток России)

Редактор(ы):Seltmann R., Гоневчук Г.А., Ханчук А.И.
Издание:Дальнаука, Владивосток, 2004 г., 176 стр., ISBN: 5-8044-0464-4
Metallogeny of the Pacific Northwest (Russian Far East): Tectonics, Magmatism and Metallogeny of Active Continental Margins. Guidebook for the Field Excursions in the Far East of Russia / Металлогения Тихоокеанского Северо-Запада (Дальний Восток России)

Металлогения Тихоокеанского Северо-Запада (Дальний Восток России): тектоника, магматизм и металлогения активных континентальных окраин. Путеводитель по полевым экскурсиям на Дальнем Востоке России: 1-20 сентября 2004 г.

This guidebook was prepared for the Interim IAGOD Conference on Metallogeny of the Pacific Northwest: Tectonics, Magmatism and Metallogeny of Active Continental Margins, which took place in September of 2004 in Vladivostok, the southernmost port of the Russian Far East. The book describes the geology of a number of important ore districts and deposits in the region. These are the major deposits of fluorine (Voznesenka), boron (Dalnegorsk), tungsten (Vostok-2), platinum (Konder), gold (Pokrovka), and some smaller deposits of tin, lead, zinc, and other metals.

The guidebook also includes a description of South Kamchatka which is an example of young magmatism and modern ore formation. The chapters devoted to the Okhotsk- Kolyma Province address granitoid magmatism of different geodynamic and geochemical types and related ore mineralization.

This book will be of interest to specialists in regional and economic geology, geodynamics, metallogeny, and ore deposits modeling.

A.I. Khanchuk, G.A. Gonevchuk and R. Seltmann
Granitoids of the Okhotsk-Kolyma divide and related ore mineralization N.A. Goryachev and M.L. Gelman
The Konder massif of ultramafic and alkaline rocks and related PGM mineralization A.M. Lennikov, B.L. Zalishchak and R.A. Oktyabrsky    
The Komsomolsk ore district S.M. Rodionov, B.I. Semenyakand VYu. Zabrodin
The Pokrovka epithermal gold deposit V Khomich and N. G. Vlasov
The Arminsky ore district VI. Gvozdev
The Dalnegorsk ore district G.P. Vasilenko    
Southwest Primorye (the Voznesenka ore district) M.D. Ryazantseva
Geology, magmatism and gold mineralization of South Primorye (the Askold strike-slip fault zone, Sergeevka terrane) G.R. Sayadyan
Miocene-to-quaternary center of volcanic, hydrothermal and ore-forming activity in the Southern Kamchatka VM. Okrugin and M.E. Zelensky

ТематикаГеологические экскурсии, Полезные ископаемые, Региональная геология
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