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The ore minerals under the microscope: an optical guide. Atlas / Рудные минералы под микроскопом: оптическое руководство. Атлас

Издание 2
Редактор(ы):Pracejus B.
Издание:Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2015 г., 888 стр., ISBN: 978-6-155-52863-6
The ore minerals under the microscope: an optical guide. Atlas / Рудные минералы под микроскопом: оптическое руководство. Атлас

This book would not have been written were it not for the everlasting patience of my dear wife Ramona, who tolerated my long-lasting mental absence when working behind the microscope or the connected computer and for tirelessly assisting me with data compilation. Our son Andre also took part in the data gathering, for which I am quite thankful. Many polished sections had not been looked after for decades and D. Lange (FU Berlin) provided much needed help in upgrading severely oxidised samples.

Since it is very difficult to gather the vast amount of different ore minerals included in this atlas, I am very much indepted to a number of colleagues, who provided many uncommon samples. In particular, the use of Ramdohr's famous research collection, now held at the Mineralogy Department of Heidelberg University, as well as the samples from the BGR and the private collection of T. Witzke proved to be valuable sources for many specimens. All published photo contributions are thankfully referenced below and cited in the text with the respective abbreviation in square brackets

ТематикаМинераграфия, Рудные минералы, Минералогия
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