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Principles of stable isotope geochemistry / Принципы геохимии стабильных изотопов

Автор(ы):Sharp Z.
Издание:Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2007 г., 359 стр., ISBN: 0-13-009139-1
Principles of stable isotope geochemistry / Принципы геохимии стабильных изотопов

Principles of Stable Isotope Geochemistr is written as a textbook to accompany a one semester course in stable isotope geochemistry. The book is tailored to an upper division or graduate level. There are 13 chapters, each dealing with a specifc subtopic of the feld. Other than Chapters 1 ad 2-introduction and defnitions-most of the remaining chapters can be read without reliance on any preceding ones. Therefore, a course can be customized to the interests of the instructor. It is also hoped that the book will serve as a general reference volume for researchers in the feld.

Stable isotope geochemistry covers a bewildering aray of applications. They are relevant to meteoritics, igneous petrology, metamorphic petrology, sedimentology, paleoclimate, paleontology, hydrology, tectonics, and atmospheric science, to name a few. If we add biology, anthropology, chemistry, and medicine, the scope grows exponentially. Therefore, by necessity, the range of topics covered in this book is broad, each covered in only a general manner. Principles of Stable Isotope Geochemistr has been organized in such a way that major concepts are explained and accompanied by numerous examples. In most cases, the frst published examples are used for illustration, giving both a broad base of understanding and an appreciation for the historical development of the feld. For any inadvertent omissions, my sincere apologies. I have tried to treat the very broad subject in a uniform manner.

When most geologists consider inorganic geochemstry they tink of vaations in major, minor, and tace element abundances of solids and liquids (see Figure Pl). In general, vaations in cation concentrations or ratios ae measured. The anions or anion complexes, such as oxygen, sulfr, nitate, cabonate, sulfate, hydroxyl, etc., tend to be stoichiometric in natural inorganic solids, so that measurements of te abundance of anions is not particularly informative. For example, carbonates contain vaing amounts of Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, Sr2+. etc., but have the same stoichiometrc proporions of C03 2-. Forunately, each of te anions or anion complexes (other than fuorne!) has multiple stable isotopes, and the variations in these ratios provide information that is ofen complimentary to that of te cation data. Just a few of the applications ae given in Figure Pl. New ones ae being discovered al the time.

This book is dedicated to James R. O'Neil, my mentor and friend. Jim and I conceived and outlined this book over a decade ago, and spent many long hours in organization and development. Without Jim, the book would certainly never have been written. His imprint can be seen throughout the book. Jim's joy ad enthusiasm are contagious, and he made for me the feld of stable isotope geochemistr  exciting and fun.

A good portion of the book was written during a sabbatical stay at the CRPG, CNRS in Nancy, France. My thanks to director Berard Marty for inviting me to Nancy and to many others there for their ideas, including Pete Burnard, Marc Chaussidon, Etienne Deloule, Christian France-Lanord, Guy Libourel, Andreas Pack, Laurie Reisberg , and Larry Shengold.

I would also like to thank the following people for their help in reviewing the text, providing information and preparing illustrations: Paul Aharon, Ihsan Al-Aasm, Viorel Atudorei, Julie Barley, Michael Cosca, Lee Cooper, John Dilles, Chuck Douthitt, Anthony Fallick, Carey Gazis, Stan Halas, Juske Horita, Rhian Jones, Peter Larson, Karen McLaughlin, Jean Morrison, Peter Nabelek, William Patterson, Adina Paytan, Ardt Schimmelmann, Torsten Venue-mann, Moire Wadleigh, and David Wenner. Finally, thanks to my wife Sharon, and my two chidren Alana and Chloe for their support and understanding over the years.

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