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Hydrogeological Conditions of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in the Crimea

Том 28, Выпуск 1
Автор(ы):Борисенко Л.С.
Издание:Journal Water Resources, 2001 г., 7 стр.
Hydrogeological Conditions of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in the Crimea

A structural hydrogeological model of the Crimea based on the assumption of the leading role of faults in groundwater distribution is discussed. Areas with intense submarine groundwater discharge are outlined. The existence of water streams related to the faults in the area of the Chernaya River, Mramornaya Gully, Varnautskaya Depression, Batiliman Bay, and Nikitskii Cape is substantiated. The sites for drilling hydrogeo-logical wells are recommended.

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