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Tectonic of Mongolia / Атлас тектонических карт Монголии

Tectonic of Mongolia / Атлас тектонических карт Монголии
Карта составлена:Geological information center of the mineral resources authority of Mongolia, Institute of geology and mineral resourse of the Mongolian Academi of Science, 2002 г.
Редактор(ы):Tomurtogoo O.
Назначение карты:Тектоническая карта
Примечание:A quarter of century passed since the first publication of the Tectonic Map of Mongolia at a scale of 1:1,500,000 [68]. Since then earth science has been enriched by new geodynamic paradigms and methods of regional tectonic research, and much has been learned about the geology of Mongolia by new findings on the stratigraphy, petrology, geochemistry, and mineral resources. In addition, the desire to build a new free-market economy in Mongolia requires further development of the mineral resources of the country, which in turn demands more geologic research in order to find new mineral deposits. These circumstances led the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Mongolia (MIT) to publish a Tectonic Map of Mongolia at a scale of 1:1,000,000 as part of the government program to create a unified geological database. Under the direction of the MIT, a Tectonic Map of Mongolia was compiled at the Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources (IGMR) of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS), and the Geological Information Center (GIC) of the Mineral Resources Authority of Mongolia (MRAM) prepared the digital version of the Map in English and Mongolian.
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На странице представлен материал:Тектоническая карта: Tectonic of Mongolia / Атлас тектонических карт Монголии, масштаб: 1:1000000 , составлена: Geological information center of the mineral resources authority of Mongolia, Institute of geology and mineral resourse of the Mongolian Academi of Science, 2002 г., редактор(ы): Tomurtogoo O.